Thursday, March 10, 2011

The interface of interpretation.

In our content guide in module 3, we read about web typeography. Within these articles what I found most interesting and really have never even considered was “using text as an interface”. One example of good interface techniques given was the on the website, within this site there are many examples of user interaction within the text. My interpretation of interface is interaction of course. Merriam Webster defines interface as “the means by which interaction or communication is achieved at an interface”.  Within the site there are many keywords that are able to be clicked and take the reader to a keyword topic page. This feature is a great feature, often seen these days on websites and referred to by some as keywords.
In web design I think it is especially true not only to have fonts that are appealing and easily readable, but the ability to capture and involve the reader’s attention. “95% of the information on the web is written language.” WC3 or the World Wide Web consortium posted some advice on fonts indicating some proper techniques. We read also in the article, “Typography has one plain duty before it and that is to convey information in writing. No argument or consideration can absolve typography from this duty." (Reichenstein, 2006). That information being conveyed will have a stronger impression by having some interaction associated with it.
When I originally began this blog it is clear my posts were basic text only posts with no interaction at all, I will not retrace steps and place some interface objects within, instead I will work forward and begin with this post and enable my reader some interaction within. I will state that I have made adjustments to my post, font changes to be specific. I have toned down considerably the font choices, what I may have found as attractive was after my readings, clearly not sending the message of being clear and easily readable. I have reduced text sizes, made color changes and otherwise made this page a little more eye appealing and readable. Let me know your thoughts if you are following me. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. JD - excellent post! I can see that you have reformatted your blog a great deal and it has vastly improved the clarity and readability of it. I enjoyed reading your post and noticed that the font choice, while perhaps not as hip, was much more legible. It made reading the post a breeze. I think my favorite part however, was the included links. In my opinion, interactive text is very important, especially in the blogosphere. I really enjoyed being able to learn more about what you were discussing as you were discussing it. Great updates!
